The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by
the FAO Land and Water Division invites you to its eighth webinar under the
title: Water Productivity
Improvements – A Silver Bullet for the Climate Crisis?
This webinar is organized by leading institutions on sustainable
agricultural water use, including the International Water Management Institute (IWMI),
the CGIAR Research
Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), the World Bank, the African Union, Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), the International Food Policy Research
Institute (IFPRI), and
the WASAG working group
on “Sustainable Agricultural Water Management”. This webinar discussed the potential
and limitations of water productivity interventions in helping water managers
(from the farm to the basin level) to deal with growing scarcity due to
climatic and other changes. The main messages of the White Paper on Water
Productivity presented and feedback from key stakeholders received.
The webinar presenters were as follow: