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Bahareh Jamshidi Name
Associate Professor Title
Scientific Board Member Division
Spectroscopy, Spectral Imaging, IoT, Smart Agric. Expert knowledge
Smart Agricultural Research Dep. Address; Email
+98-2636150000 Telephone
+98-2632706277 Facsimile

     B.Sc. Agricultural Machinery (Biosystem) Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
    M.Sc. Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery (Biosystem) Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
     Ph.D. Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery (Biosystem) Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.  


Optical Non-destructive Testing (NDT), Near-infrared ( NIR) Spectroscopy and Spectral Imaging, Smart Agriculture (Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Systems, ...)

WoS  ResearcherID:   M-7729-2019       
Scopus  Author ID:    53979866600  

Selected Projects
  • Design and development of an intelligent system for detection of infected palm trees by red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv. in combination with Internet of Things (IoT) technology
  • Design, development and implementation of an Internet of Things ( IoT)-based smart system for on-line water quality monitoring
  • Design and realization of apple orchard smart monitoring and management system using Internet of Things (IoT) technology based on Wireless Sensor Network(WSN)
  • Design and development of spectroscopic  system for fast and non-destructive measurement of nitrate content in vegetables
  • Identification and introduction of appropriate and advanced technologies for saffron sorting and grading based on quality, safety and health
  • Design and development of a spectroscopic  system for non-destructive detection of Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller (Lep., Pyrallidae) infected pomegranates
  • Non-destructive quality assessment of apple during storage using Dynamic Speckle Pattern (DSP) technique ( Bio-speckle Imaging)
  • Novel system for fast and non-destructive determination of pesticide residues in agricultural products based on Visible/Near-infrared (Vis/NIR) Spectroscopy

  • Jamshidi, B.  , Khabbaz Jolfaee, H., Mohammadpour, K., Seilsepour, M., Dehghanisanij, H., Hajnajari, H., Farazmand, H., and Atri, A. 2025.  Internet of Things-based Smart System for Apple Orchards Monitoring and Management . Smart Agricultural Technology. 10, 100715.

  • Asadian, S., Banakar, A. and  Jamshidi, B.  2024.  Determining the amount of water and the TAN index in the hydraulic oil of the sugarcane harvester Austoft7000 with visible/near-infrared spectroscopy technology . Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring. 66 (12), 767-773.

  • Hemmati, A., Mahmoudi, A.,  Jamshidi, B.  and Ghaffari, H.  2024. Assessment of Persian export pomegranate quality: A reliable non-destructive method based on spectroscopy and chemometrics . Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 131( July 2024), 1-9.

  • Azadnia, R., Rajabipour, A.,  and Omid, M.  Jamshidi, B.  2023  New approach for rapid estimation of leaf nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents in apple-trees using Vis/NIR spectroscopy based on wavelength selection coupled with machine learning  . Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  207, 107746. 1-16.

  • Jamshidi, B. , and Yazdanfar, N.  2022. Development of a spectroscopic approach for non-destructive and rapid screening of cucumbers based on maximum limit of nitrate accumulation . Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 110, 104513. 1-9.

  • Azadshahraki, F., Sharifi, K.,

    Jamshidi, B.

    , Karimzadeh, R. and Naderi, H. 2022. Diagnosis of early blight disease in tomato plant based on visible/near-infrared spectroscopy and principal components analysis - artificial neural network prior to visual disease symptoms . Agricultural Machinery. 12(1): 81-94.

  • Rahi, S., Mobli, H., Jamshidi, B.   , Azizi, A., Sharifi, M. 2021. Achieving a robust Vis/NIR model for microbial contamination detection of Persian leek by spectral analysis based on genetic, iPLS algorithms and VIP scores . Postharvest Biology and Technology. 175, 111413.


  • Abasi, S., Minaei, S., Jamshidi, B. and Fathi, D. 2021. Development of an optical smart portable instrument for fruit quality detection . IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 70. 1-9.

  • Rahi, S., Mobli, H., Jamshidi, B. , Azizi, A., Sharifi, M. 2020. Different supervised and unsupervised classification approaches based on Visible/Near-infrared spectral analysis for discrimination of microbial contaminated lettuce samples: Case study on E. coli ATCC . Infrared Physics and Technology. 108, 103355.
  • Jamshidi, B.  2020. Can hidden Ectomyelois ceratonia infestation be detected non-destructively? NIR spectroscopy has a good answer for pomegranates . Atlas of Science. 9 March, 1-3.


  • Farhadi, R., Afkari-Sayyah, A.H., Jamshidi, B. , and Mosapour-Gorji, A. 2020. Prediction of internal compositions change in potato during storage using Visible/Near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy . International Journal of Food Engineering. 16(4), 20190110.


  • Bahrami, M.E., Honarvar, M., Ansari, K., and  Jamshidi, B.  2020. Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics . Journal of Food Engineering. 271,   109775.


  • Jamshidi, B.  2020. Ability of near-infrared spectroscopy for non-destructive detection of internal insect infestation in fruits: Meta-analysis of spectral ranges and optical measurement modes . Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 225, 117479.

  • Abasi, S., Minaei, S.,  Jamshidi, B.  , Fathi, D., and Khoshtaghaza, M. H. 2019. Rapid measurement of apple quality parameters using wavelet de-noising transform with Vis/NIR analysis . Scientia Horticulturae. 252, 7-13.


  • Jamshidi, B.  , Mohajerani, E., Farazmand, H., Mahmoudi, A., and Hemmati, A. 2019. Pattern recognition-based optical technique for non-destructive detection of Ectomyelois ceratoniae infestation in pomegranates during hidden activity of the larvae . Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 206, 552-557.

  • Azadshahraki, F.,  Jamshidi, B.  ,  and Rasooli Sharabian, 2018. Non-destructive determination of vitamin C and lycopene contents of intact cv. Newton tomatoes using NIR spectroscopy . Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 28(4). 397-389.


  • Basati, Z.,  Jamshidi, B.  , Rasekh, M., and Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y. 2018. Detection of sunn pest-damaged wheat samples using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy based on pattern recognition . Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 203, 308-314.


  • Ebrahimi, M. A., Khoshtaghaza, M. H., Minaei, S., and  Jamshidi, B.  2018. Methods and applications of new technology used for reducing of chemical usage and controlling of pest (a review) . Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal. 20(2): 144-153. 


  • Abasi, S., Minaei, S.,  Jamshidi, B.  , and Fathi, D. 2018. Dedicated Non-destructive Devices for Food Quality Measurement: A Review . Trends in Food Science and Technology. 78, 197-205.


  • Ebrahimi, M. A., Khoshtaghaza, M. H., Minaei, S., and  Jamshidi, B.  2017. Vision-based Pest Detection Based on SVM Classification Method . Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 137, 52-58.


  • Jamshidi, B.  2017. Non-destructive safety assessment of agricultural products using Vis/NIR spectroscopy . NIR news.28(1), 4-8.


  • Mozaffari, M., Mahmoudi, A., Mollazade, K., and  Jamshidi, B.  2017. Low-cost optical approach for noncontact predicting moisture content of apple slices during hot air drying . Drying Technology.35(12), 1530-1542.


  • Jamshidi, B.  , and Arefi, A. 2016. Comparison of different feature extraction techniques in biospeckle images for nondestructive assessment of apple firmness . NDT net: Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 21 (6).


  • Jamshidi, B.  , Mohajerani, E., and Jamshidi, J. 2016. Developing a Vis/NIR spectroscopic system for fast and non-destructive pesticide residue monitoring in agricultural product . Measurement. 89, 1-6.


  • Jamshidi, B.  , Mohajerani, E., Jamshidi, J., Minaei, S., and Sharifi, A. 2015. Non-destructive detection of pesticide residues in cucumber using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy . Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment. 32 (6), 857-863.


  • Jamshidi, B.  , Minaei, S., Mohajerani, E., and Ghassemian, H. 2014. Prediction of soluble solids in oranges using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy: Effect of peel . International Journal of Food Properties. 17, 1460-1468.


  • Jamshidi, B.  , Minaei, S., Mohajerani, E., and Ghassemian, H. 2012. Reflectance Vis/NIR spectroscopy for nondestructive taste characterization of Valencia oranges . Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 85, 64-69.


  • Naderi-Boldaji, M., Sharifi, A.,  Jamshidi, B.  , Younesi-Alamouti, M., and Minaei, S. 2011. A dielectric-based combined horizontal sensor for on-the-go measurement of soil water content and mechanical resistance . Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 171, 131-137.