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[_HprPDF] Fariborz abbasi Name
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Surface Irrigation, Soil Physics Expert knowledge
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B.Sc. of Irrigation Engineering in 1992, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran.

M.Sc. of Irrigation and Drainage in 1996, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.

Ph.D. of Irrigation and Drainage in 2003, K.U.Leuven, Belgium.


Surface irrigation, Soil Physics, Mathematical models in irrigation and water and solute transport

Hessari, B., M. Akbari, F. Abbasi , T. Oweis and A. Bruggeman. 2012. Impact of expanding supplemental irrigation in the upper Karkheh river basin (Iran) on downstream flow. CPWF Karkheh River Basin Research Report 13, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 154 pp.

Oweis, T., H. Siadat, and F. Abbasi , 2009. Improving on-farm agricultural water productivity in the Karkheh river basin (KRB). CPWF Project Report, Project Number 08.

Oweis, T., H. Farahani, M. Qadir, J. Anthofer, H. Siadat, F. Abbasi , A. Bruggeman, 2008. Improving On-farm Agricultural Water Productivity in the Karkheh River Basin, Research Report no. 1: A Compendium of Review Papers, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 100 pp.

Farahani, H., T. Oweis, H. Siadat, F. Abbasi , A. Bruggeman, J. Anthofer and F. Turkelboom, 2008. Proceedings of the International Workshop on: Improving Water Productivity and Livelihood Resilience in Karkheh River Basin in Iran. No. 2. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 169 pp.


Hessari , B., A. Bruggeman, A. Akhoond-Ali, T. Oweis, and F. Abbasi , 201 6 . Supplemental irrigation potential and impact on downstream flow of Karkheh river basin of Iran. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20: 1903-1910.

Divband Hafshejani , L. , A.A. Naseri, A.R. Hooshmand, F. Abbasi, A. Soltani Mohammadi, 2016. Removal of nitrate ions from aqueous solution by modified sugarcane bagasse vermicompost. Nature and Science, 14(3): 16-20.

Divband Hafshejani1, L., A.R. Hooshmand, A.A. Naseri, A. Soltani Mohammadi, F. Abbasi, 2016. Kinetics, isotherm and thermodynamic studies for adsorption of nitrate on sugarcane bagasse vermicompost. Researcher 8(2): 31-35.

Tavakoli, A., H. Babazadeh, F. Abbasi , H. Sedghi, 2015. Developing an equation for estimating infiltration rate through soil using scaling methods of furrow irrigation. J. Soil Nature, 8(2):11-17.

Mostafavi Darani, S.M., J. Khoshhal Dastjerdi, R. Stone, I. Babaeian, F. Abbasi , 2015. Linking a general circulation model with a crop model to forecast barely yields: a case study for Isfahan, Iran . International Journal of AYER, 2: 451-469.

Mousavi Ojagh, S.M., F. Abbasi and M.J. Mirhadi, 2015. Effect of fertigation on amount of protein, yield and yield components of corn. International Journal of Biosciences, 6(8): 16-22.

Ebrahimian, H., A.M. Liaghat, M. Parsinejad, E. Playan, F. Abbasi , M. Navabian, B. Lattore, 2013. Optimum design of alternate and conventional furrow fertigation to minimize nitrate loss. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 139(11): 911-921.

Beyrami, H., M.R. Neyshabouri, A.H. Nazemi, F. Abbasi . 2014. Effect of water repellent soil layer and its placement in soil columns on water infiltration . J. Bio. & Env. Sci., 5(2): 381-386.

Shekofteh, H., M. Afyuni, M.A. Hajabbasi, B.V. Iversen, H. Nezamabadi-pour, F. Abbasi , F. Sheikholeslam and H. Shirani, 2013. Modeling of nitrate leaching from a potato field using HYDRUS-2D. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44(20): 2917-2931.

Sabbagh Tazeh, E., E. Pazira, M.R. Neyshabouri, F. Abbasi , H. Zare Abyaneh, 2013. Effects of two organic amendments on EC, SAR and soluble ions concentration in a saline-sodic soil.  International Journal of Biosciences, 3(9): 55-68.

Shekofteh, H., M. Afyuni, Hajabbasi, H. Nezamabadi-pour, B.V. Iversen, F. Abbasi , and F . Sheikholeslam, 2013. Nitrate leaching from a potato field using adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 15(2): 503-515.

Ebrahimian, H., A.M. Liaghat, M. Parsinejad, E. Playan, F. Abbasi , M. Navabian, 2013. Simulation of 1D surface and 2D subsurface water flow and nitrate transport in alternate
and conventional furrow fertigation . Irrig. Sci., 31 (3): 301-316.

MousaviNezhad, M., A. A. Javadi, A-Al. Tabbaa, F. Abbasi, 201 3 . Numerical study of effects of soil heterogeneity on contaminant transport in unsaturated soil (model development and validation). International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 37(3): 278-298.

Soroush, F., J.D. Fenton, B. Mostafazadeh-Fard, S.F. Mousavi and F. Abbasi , 2013. Simulation of furrow irrigation using the slow-change/slow-flow equation. Agricultural Water Management , 116: 160-174.

Shekofteh, H., M. Afyuni, M.A. Hajabbasi, B.V. Iversen, H. Nezamabadi-pour, B.V. Iversen, F. Abbasi, F. Sheikholeslam, 2012. Nitrate leaching from a potato field using fuzzy inference system. International Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review. 2(5): 608-617. Available online at

Abbasi, Y., F. Abbasi, A.M. Liaghat, H . A . Alizadeh, 2011. Evaluation of furrow fertigation and model validation on maize field. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 25(4):279-291.

Abbasi, F. , H.T. Rezaee, M. Jolaini, H.A. Alizadeh, 2012. Evaluation of fertigation in different soils and furrow irrigation regimes. Irrigation and Drainage, 61(4): 533-541.

Ebrahimian, H., A.M. Liaghat, M. Parsinejad, F. Abbasi , M. Navabian, 2012. Comparison of one-and two dimensional models to simulate alternate and conventional furrow fertigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 138(10): 929-938.

Abbasi, F. , M. Javaux, M. Vanclooster and J. Feyen, 2012. Estimating hysteresis in the soil water retention curve from monolith experiments. Geoderma, 189-190: 480-490.

Moravejalahkami, B., B. Mostafazadeh-Fard; M. Heidarpour; F. Abbasi , 2012. Comparison of multilevel calibration and volume balance method for estimating furrow infiltration. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 138(8): 777-781 .

Ramezani Etedali, H., A.M. Liaghat, F. Abbasi , 2012. Evaluation of EVALUE model for estimating Manning r oughness in furrow irrigation . Irrigation and Drainage, 6 1(3) : 410-415.

Moravejalahkami , B., B. Mostafazadeh-Fard, M. Heidarpour, F. Abbasi , 2012. The effects of different inflow hydrograph shapes on furrow irrigation fertigation. Biosystems Engineering; 111(2): 186-194.

Roozbeh, M., H. Bahrami, M. Almassi, M.J. Sheikhdavoodi, F. Abbasi , M. Gheysari , 2012. Investigation of polyacrilamide application under different tillage intensity on sediment and nitrogen losses in irrigated corn field. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 6(6): 963-969.

Mohseni, A., H.M.S. Hosseini, F. Abbasi , 2012. Comparison of fertigation with conventional (broadcast) fertilizer application . International Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review. 2(3): 211-217. Available online at

Soroush, F., B. Mostafazadeh-Fard, S.F. Mousavi, and F. Abbasi , 2012. Solute distribution uniformity and fertilizer losses under meandering and standard furrow irrigation methods. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 6(5):884-890.

Abbasi, Y., A.M. Liaghat, F. Abbasi , 2011. Assessment of nitrate losses under different corn furrow fertilizing and irrigation managements. International Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review. 1 (4) : 191-196. Available online at

MousaviNezhad, M., A.A. Javadi, F. Abbasi, 2011. Stochastic finite element modelling of water flow in variably saturated heterogeneous soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 35(12): 1389-1408.

Ramezani Etedali, H., H. Ebrahimian, F. Abbasi , A.M. Liaghat, 2011. Evaluating models for the estimation of furrow irrigation infiltration and roughness. Spanish J. Agric. Res., 9(2): 641-649.

Moayeri, M., E. Pazira, H. Siadat, F. Abbasi and F. Kaveh, 2011. Influence of planting and irrigation management methods on maize water productivity improvement in a semiarid region. World Applied Sci. J., 13(5): 1218-1228.

Moayeri, M., H. Siadat, E. Pazira, F. Abbasi , F. Kaveh, T. Oweis, 2011. Assessment of maize water productivity in southers parts of Karkheh river basin, Iran. World Applied Sci. J., 13(7): 1586-1594.

Asgh ari, Sh., F. Abbasi , M.R. Neyshabouri, 2011. Effects of soil conditioners on physical quality and bromide transport properties in a sandy loam soil. Biosystems Eng., 109: 90-97.

Moazed, H., Y. Hoseini, A.A. Naseri, F. Abbasi , H.M.V. Samani and H.A. Seddighnejad, 2011. Using fractal geometry method for modeling scale factor on dispersivity of adsorbent elements in soil J. Food, Agriculture & Environment, 9(1): 762-770.

Naseri, A. A., Y. Hoseini, H. Moazed, F. Abbasi , and H.M. V. Samani, S.A. Sakebi, 2011. Phosphorus transport through a saturated soil column: Comparison between physical modeling and HYDRUS-3D outputs. J. Applied Sciences, 11(5):815-823.

Moazed, H., Y. Hoseini, A.A. Naseri, and F. Abbasi , 2010. Determining phosphorus adsorption isotherm in soil and its relation to soil characteristics. J. Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8(2): 1153-1157.

Ebrahimian, H., A.M. Liaghat, B. Ghanbarian-Alavijeh, and F. Abbasi , 2010. Evaluation of various quick methods for estimating furrow and border infiltration parameters. Irrig. Sci., 28 (6): 479-488.

Naseri, A.A., Y. Hoseini, H. Moazed, F. Abbasi , and H.M. V. Samani, 2010. Determining of soil phosphorus requirement with application of Freundlich adsorption isotherm. Asian J. Agricultural Research, 4(4): 226-231.

Navabian, M., A.M. Liaghat, R.J. Smith, and F. Abbasi , 2009. Empirical functions for dependent variables in cutback furrow irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 27: 215-222.

Kiani, A.R., F. Abbasi , 2009. Wheat production function under salinity and water stress conditions. Irrigation and Drainage, 58: 445-455.

Moravejalahkamia , B., B. Mostafazadeh-Farda , M. Heidarpour, F. Abbasi , 2009. Furrow infiltration and roughness prediction for different furrow inflow hydrographs using a zero-inertia model with a multilevel calibration approach. Biosystem Engineering, 103(3): 374-381.

Keshtkar, E., H.M. Alizadeh and F. Abbasi , 2008. Comparing herbigation and conventional method of eradican application in a corn field. Crop Research, 36(1,2,3): 54-59.

Asgh ari, Sh., M.R. Nyshabouri, F. Abbasi , N. Aliasgharzad, Sh. Ostsan, 2009. Effects of four organic soil conditioners on aggregate stability, pore size distribution and respiration activity in a sandy loam soil. Turkish J. Agriculture and Forestry, 33: 47-55.

Nasseri, A., M.R. Neyshabori, F. Abbasi , 2008. Effectual components on furrow infiltration.  Irrigation and Drainage, 57(4): 481-489.

Tavakoli, A.R., A.M. Liaghat, Sh. Ashrafi and F. Abbasi , 2008. Supplemental irrigation in Iran. In: Improving On-farm Agricultural Water Productivity in the Karkheh River Basin, Research Report no. 1: A Compendium of Review Papers, edited by T. Oweis, H. Farahani, M. Qadir, J. Anthofer, H. Siadat, F. Abbasi, A. Bruggeman, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Rocha, D., F. Abbasi and J. Feyen, 2006. Sensitivity analysis of soil hydraulic properties on subsurface water flow in furrows. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 132(4): 418-424.

Abbasi, F. , M. Javaux, M. Vanclooster, J. Feyen, G. Wyseure, G. Nziguheba, 2005. Experimental study of water flow and sulphate transport at monolith scale . Agric. Water Management, 79(1): 93-112.

Abbasi, F. , J. Feyen and M.Th. van Genuchten, 2004. Two dimensional simulation of water flow and solute transport below furrows: Model calibration and validation. Journal of Hydrology, 290 (1-2): 63-79.

Abbasi, F. , D. Jacques, J. Simunek, J. Feyen and M.Th. van Genuchten, 2003. Inverse estimation of the soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters from transient field experiments: Heterogeneous soil. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(4): 1097-1111.

Abbasi, F. , F. J. Adamsen, D. J. Hunsaker, J. Feyen, P. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten, 2003. Effects of flow depth on water flow and solute transport in furrow irrigation: Field data analysis. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, 129(4): 237-246.

Abbasi, F. , J. Feyen, R.L. Roth, M. Sheedy and M.Th. van Genuchten, 2003. Water flow and solute transport in furrow-irrigated fields. Irrigation Science 22(2): 57-65.

Abbasi, F. , J. Simunek, J. Feyen, M.Th. van Genuchten and P. J. Shouse, 2003. Simultaneous inverse estimation of the soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters from transient field experiments: Homogeneous soil. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(4): 1085-1095.

 Abbasi, F. , J. Simunek, M. Th. van Genuchten, J. Feyen, F.J. Adamsen, D. J. Hunsaker, T.S. Strelkoff and P. Shouse, 2003. Overland water flow and solute transport: Model development and field data analysis. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 129(2): 71-81.

Abbasi, F. , M.M. Shooshtari and J. Feyen, 2003. Evaluation of the various surface irrigation numerical simulation models. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. 129 (3): 208-213.