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[_HprPDF] Hossein Dehghanisanij Name
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Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI) Address Email
32705320-32705242-32708359- 026 Telephone
32706277-026 Facsimile


·           Technical affairs for agriculture (1.1986-2.1988), Agricultural collage, Ardabil, Iran.

·           B. Sc. (2.1989-1.1991) Irrigation Engineering, Tabriz University, Karaj, Iran.

·           M. Sc . (9.1992-2.1996) Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Esfahan University, Karaj, Iran.

Title of thesis: Evaluation and calibration of sprinklers in model MZ-30 designed and manufactured by Iranian companies.

·           Ph.D. (10.2001-9.2004) Bioenvironmental Science, Tottori University, Japan.

Title of thesis: Influences of Water Quality and Evapotranspiration on the Scheduling of Drip Irrigation.

·           Postdoctoral (11.2005-9.2006) Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in Water Resource Department, Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, Japan. “Improvement of drip irrigation scheduling to increase crop water productivity i n regarding with yield, evapotranspiration, crop coefficient.




Key Qualifications

Ir rigation and drainage engineer with over 20 years’ teaching, research and practical experiences on agricultural water management issues. The S pecial interests are;

-       Advance irrigation systems development and management.

-       Agricultural water productivity and cropping system in irrigated agriculture for small-holder farmers

-       Crop water productivity and irrigation management under different environmental stress; quality and scarcity .

-       Agricultural water policies, institutions and laws for sustainable development.

-       Water, Energy, Food and Environment Nexus

-       Smart Irrigation management




1.   The JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for foreign researchers award (Sep, 2005) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

                            2.  Monbusho scholarship award (Oct, 2001- Sep, 2004) Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan.

3.   Master and PhD student more than 10. Title of thesis are available.

4.   Scientific and executive secretary of different national conference.

First, second, third, and forth National Conference on "Sustainable development of advance irrigation systems". 2007, 2009, 2011. 2012. Tehran. Iran.

First conference on "Automation in irrigation systems". 2008. Tehran. Iran.

First conference on "Improvement of agricultural water productivity in green houses". 2007. Tehran. Iran.




Journal papers

1.        Dehghanisanij H ., Kanani E., Akhavan S. 2020. Evapotranspiration and components of corn (Zea mays L.) under micro irrigation systems in a semi-arid environment Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 18 (2), e1202. .


2.        Mirzaie-Nodoushan F., Morid S., Dehghanisanij H . 2020. Reducing water footprints through healthy and reasonable changes in diet and imported products. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 23: 30-41.


3.        Yari, R., Darzi-Naftchali, A., Dehghanisanij, H . and Qi, Z., 2020. Effect of meteorological data quality control and data adjustment on the reference evapotranspiration: a case study in Jafariye, Iran. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.


4.        Dehghanisanij H ., Kouhi N. 2020. Interactive effects of nitrogen and drip irrigation rates on corn (Zea mays L. CV. Single cross 704) root development and residual soil moisture. Gesunde Pflanzen. In Edition.


5.        Dehghanisanij H ., Akhavan S., Kanani E. 2020. Variation of actual corn (Zea mays L.) evapotranspiration, single and dual crop coefficient under different point source irrigation systems in semiarid region. Agricultural water management. Under review.


6.        Dehghanisanij H ., Haji Agha Bozorgi H., Ghaemi A.A., Kanani E. 2020. Effect of leaching management on moisture, salinity and SAR distribution under subsurface drip irrigation system in pistachio orchard. Plant, Soil and Environment. Under review.


7.        Kouhi N., Dehghanisanij H ., Alizadeh a., Kanani E. 2020. Interaction of irrigation regimes and nitrogen fertilizer on soil moisture variation and grain yield under type drip irrigation system. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 34(3). (In Farsi)


8.        Cheraghi S.A.M., Dehghani Sanij H ., Enayati K., Shajari Sh. 2020. The long term impact of drip irrigation on soil salinity Case Study: Pistachio orchards in Sarvestan plain. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 14 (1): 24-38. (In Farsi)


9.        Aliabadi B.T., Hassandokht M.R., Etesami H., Alikhani H.A., Dehghanisani H . 2019. Effect of Mulching on Some Characteristics of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under Deficit Irrigation. Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology, 21(4): 927-941.


10.     Dehghanisanij H ., Haji Agha Bozorgi H., Kanani E. 2020. Application of Hydrus-2D Model to Investigate the Soil Moisture Changes under Different Irrigation regimes of pistachio trees in Subsurface Drip Irrigation. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 13 (6): 1538-1549. (In Farsi).


11.     Kouhi N., Dehghanisanij H ., Taqhavi H., Kanaani E. 2020. Investigating Changes inYield and Water Productivity in Different Maize Hybrids (KSC 704 and KSC 410) Under Irrigation Management Using Strip Drip and Furrow Irrigation Methods. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. Under review. (In Farsi)


12.     Dehghanisanij H ., Ebrahimi M., Reza verdinejad V., Taghizade ghassab A. 2020. Impact of changing irrigation method and planting spacing on water productivity, yield and application efficiency of sugar beet in Miandoab plain. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research. In edition. (In Farsi)


13.     Farzam Nia M., Miranzadeh M., Dehghani Sanij H . 2019. Technical Evaluation of Subsurface Drip Irrigation System Hydraulic and Influence of Its Efficiency on Olive Growth Parameters under Field. Irrigation Regimes under Subsurface Drip Irrigation System on Soil Moisture Distribution in Pistachio Orchard. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 33(4); 549-564. (In Farsi)


14.     Dehghanisanij H ., Haji Agha Bozorgi H., Ghaemi A. A. 2019. The Effect of Different Irrigation Regimes under Subsurface Drip Irrigation System on Soil Moisture Distribution in Pistachio Orchard. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 33(3): 391-404. (In Farsi)


15.     Akhavan, S., Kanani, E., Dehghanisanij, H ., 2018. Assessment of different reference evapotranspiration models to estimate the actual evapotranspiration of corn (Zea mays L.) in a semiarid region (case study, Karaj, Iran). Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 1-17.


16.     Dehghanisanij, H ., Kanani, E., Akhavan, s. 2018. Evaluation of Corn Evapotranspiration and its Components and Relationship between Leaf Area Index and Components in Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 31 (6): 1549-1560. (In Farsi)


17.     Dehghanisanij H ., Haji Agha Bozorgi H., Ghaemi A.A., Noushadi M. 2018. Effect Leaching Management on the Salinity Changes in the Drip Irrigation System (A Case Study: Semnan). Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 32 (5); 879-890. (In Farsi)


18.     Dehghanisanij H ., Haji Agha Bozorgi H., Ghaemi A.A. 2018. Impact of irrigation regimes on salinity pattern in soil under subsurface drip irrigation. Iranian Journal of Water and Irrigation Management. 8 (1): 13-25. (In Farsi)


19.     Dehghanisanij H ., Haji Agha Bozorgi H., Ghaemi A.A., Noshadi M. 2019. Salt accumulation in the soil under a subsurface drip irrigation system. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research. 5 (2): 339-351. (In Farsi)


20.     Dehghanisanij H ., Nakhjavani Moghadam M.M., farzamnia M., Dehghanian, E. 2019. Efficiency and Performance of Stable Classic Sprinkler Irrigation in Farms (Case Study: Isfahan and Fars Provinces). Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 13 (3): 603-613. (In Farsi)


21.     Bayat M.H., MirLatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H . 2018. Determination of Actual Evapotranspiration, Crop Coefficients and Water Use Efficiency of Garlic in Azarshahr Region. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 12 (5): 1129-1139. (In Farsi)


22.     Ashraf B., Alizadeh A., Mousavi-Baygi M., Bannayan M., JabbariNoghabi M., Dehghanisanij H . 2017. Quantifying Stress of Human Activities on Availability of Groundwater Resources of Karkheh River Basin. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 12 (1): 13-24. (In Farsi)


23.     Ghadami Firouzabadi1 A., Nosrati A. E., Dehghanisanij H., Jafari A.M., Bahramloo R. 2018. Technical and Economical Comparison of Two Irrigation Systems, Tape and Furrow Irrigation and Different Levels of Nitrogen on Yield, Water use Efficiency of Garlic Product. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 12 (2): 283-292. (In Farsi)


24.     Cheragh mohammadi S.A.M., Dehghanisanj H . 2018. Drip Irrigation under Saline Water Use. Journal of Water Management in Agriculture. 4 (1): 1-8 (In Farsi)


25.     Seyedan S.M., Ghadami Firouzabadi A., Dehghanisanij H . 2018. Investigation of Affecting Factors on Water Productivity Improvement of Crop Products in Hamadan Province. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 12 (4): 775-787. (In Farsi)


26.     Tabatabaei S.H., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H . 2018. Effects of Changing Border Dimensions, Fertilizer Application Program and Using the Winnowed Seeds on Water Use Efficiency in Barley Fields in Miandoab Region. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 12 (3): 536-544 (In Farsi)


27.     Salamati N., Dehghanisanij H ., Darabi A.S., Behbahani L. 2018. The effects of surface and subsurface drip methods on quantitate and qualitative yield of Zahedi date cultivar r. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 25 (3): 225-240 (In Farsi)


28.     Dehghanianian S.E., Dehghanisanij H ., Nakhjavanimoghaddam M.M. 2017. Improvement of Solid Set Sprinkler Irrigation System Performance in Fars Province. Water Management in Agriculture. 4 (2): 37-44.


29.     Dehghanisanisanij H ., Salamati N. 2017. Palm Response to the Implementation of Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation System. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research. 49(5); 991-1001. (In Farsi)


30.     Kouhi N., Dehghanisanij H . 2017. Simulation of leaf area index for corn(S C 704) in droght stress conditions. 31 (3): 483-491. (In Farsi)


31.     Salamati N., Dehghanisanij H ., Darabi A, S. 2017. Investigating of different levels of subsurface drip irrigation on quantitative and qualitative yield of two palm types. Journal of water research in agriculture. 31 (3): 315-328. (In Farsi)


32.     Batoukhteh F., Misaghi F., Dehghanisanij H . 2017. The evaluation of effect of increase irrigation efficiency along with increased acreage on the return water and underground water storage using SWAT model. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 6 (2): 1-13. (In Farsi)


33.     Dehghanisanij H .,Nakhjivani Moghadam M.M., Ghahreman B. 2017. Scheduling Single Irrigation for Rainfed Wheat Using Crop Water Stress Index (Case study: the upper part of the Karkheh basin). Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 4 (11): 552-561. (In Farsi)


34.     Zahedpour yeganeh H., Rezaardinejad V., Dehghanisanj H . 2017. Evaluation of application efficiency and productivity of surface irrigation systems in Nazlochai, Urmia Plain farms. Iranian Journal of water research in agriculture. 31 (4): 685-698. (In Farsi)


35.     Rezvani S.M., Dehghanisanij H., Bayat F., Zare Abyaneh H. 2017. Determination of Depth and Frequency of Irrigation of Greenhouse Tomato. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 6 (10): 770-785. (In Farsi)


36.     Dehghanisanij, H ., Kanani, E., Hamami, M. 2016. Application of Subsurface Drip Irrigation System and Management Parameters in Corn Production. Iranian Journal of Water Management in Agriculture. 3 (2); pp 39. (In Farsi)


37.     Salamati N., Dehghanisanij H . 2016. The effect of different amounts of subsurface drip irrigation on yield and quality of two varieties of palm Kabkab and Zahedi. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research. 48 (3): 543-554. (In Farsi)


38.     Seifi A., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H. 2016. Field Evaluation of SALTMED Model for Simulating Distribution and Dynamics of Soil Water and Salt Content under Subsurface Drip Irrigation iPistachio Orchards. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 5 (10): 594-612. (In Farsi)


39.     Nakhjavanimoghadam M.M., Ghahreman B., Davary K., Alizadeh A., Dehghanisanij H. , Tavakoil A.R. 2016. Improvement rainfall productivity for rainfed wheat under superior agricultural management and irrigation limited at the upper hand of the Karkhe Basin. Iranian Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 3 (30): 301-315. (In Farsi)


40.     Nakhjavanimoghaddam M.M., Ghahraman B., Davary K., Alizadeh A., Dehghanisanij H ., Tavakoli A.R. 2016. Simulation of Wheat Yield under Rainfed and Supplemental Irrigation and Presentation of Superior Management Scenarios in Upper Karkheh Basin. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 4 (10): 466-478. (In Farsi)


41.     Ramezan D., Hassanpour Asil M., Salehi R., Dehghanisanij H . 2015. Investigation of the content of mineral elements of leaf and root of transgenic and non-linked plants Jalali yellow melon under drought stress in drip irrigation system. Iranian Journal of Agricultural crop management. 18 (2): 415-430. (In Farsi)


42.     RamezanD., Hassanpour Asil M., Salehi R., Dehghanisanij H . 2015. The effect of different levels of irrigation on growth, yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of grafted and ungrafted melon (Cucumis melo l. Zarde Jalali) under drip irrigation system. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 3 (47): 421-434. (In Farsi)


43.     Zounemat Kermani M., Asadi R., Dehghanisanij H. 2015. Effect of different amounts of urban wastewater on cotton yield with drip irrigation. Iranian Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 1 (29): 63-73.(In Farsi)


44.     ghadami Ferozabadi A., Dehghanisanij H., Khoshravesh M., Seyedan S.M. 2015. Investigation of energy and water consumption efficiency at gas-pumping stations. Iranian Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 3 (29): 367-377. (In Farsi)


45.     Shahrokhnia M. A. , Zare E., Dehghani Sanij H. 2015. Comparison of Different Drip Irrigation Scheduling Tools for Citrus Trees in Fine and Medium Texture Soils. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 3 (9): 448-458 . (In Farsi)


46.     Aflatoni M., Eskandri L., Dehghanisanij H. 2015. Calibration and sensitivity analysis of hydraulic water behavior in simulation of drainage in Ghazvin plain. Iranian Journal of Iran Water and Soil Research. 3 (45): 283-291. (In Farsi)


47.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H ., Droogers P. 2014. Spatial Analysis of Groundwater Trend in Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran. Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Ecology. 7 (1): 81-94.


48.     Seifi A., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H., Torabi M. 2014. The Impact of Irrigation Frequency on Moisture and Salinity distributions under Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) of Pistachio Orchards. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 4 (8): 786-799. (In Farsi)


49.     Dehghanisanij H. , Zounemat-Kermani M., Asadi R. 2014. Application of Municipal Wastewater in Irrigation of Corn under Furrow and Drip Irrigation Systems. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 3 (8): 423-429. (In Farsi)


50.     Dehghanisanij H., Khazaei E., Zakerinia M. 2014. The Role of Precision Irrigation on Water use and Water use Efficiency. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Water Management. 1(8): 180-186. (In Farsi)


51.     Akbari, M., Dehghnisanij, H and Droogers, P. 2014. Spatial analysis of groundwater trend in Zayandeh Rud Basin, Iran. Agriculture, Biotechnology & Ecology. Pp: 81-94.


52.     Seifi A., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H., Torabi M. 2013. Determination of water stress index for pistachio trees under subsurface drip irrigation method using temperature difference between plant corona and air. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Water Management. 1 (3): 123-136. (In Farsi)


53.     Abbasi E, Dehghanisanij H. 2013. Precision irrigation and its impact on water use efficiency of apricot orchards . Iranian Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 27 (1); 41-51. (In Farsi).


54.     Zamanian M., Fattahi R., Dehghani Sanij H. 2013. Evaluation of performance and study of problems of micro-irrigation systems in different parts of Iran. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 7 (3).


55.     Khazaei E., Zakerinia M., Dehghanisanij H. , Hezarjeribi A. and Hesam M. 2013. Application of online meteorological station in farm for calculating maize real-time water requirement and its effect on increasing water use efficiency in Saveh city region. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 20 (2); 143-159. (In Farsi)


56.     Keshavarz A., Dehghanisanij H. , 2012. Water productivity index and solutions for future agriculture activities in Iran. Economic Strategy Journal . 1 (1):199-233. (In Farsi)


57.     Moayeri M., Pazira E., Siadat H., Abbasi F., Dehghanisanij H. 2013. Assessment of Agricultural Water Productivity for Maize in Evan Plain (Case Study in Sought Karkheh River Basin). Iranian Journal of Water and Soil 26 (6):1339-1348. (In Farsi)


58.     Karimi Goghari Sh., Dehghanisanij H ., Asadi R. 2013. The effect of different levels of irrigation on yield, yield components and water consumption efficiency of corn grain cultivars in Arzuieh region. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 7 (4).


59.     Sarabadani Tafreshi R., Bihamta M., Sadat Sheber Z., Shahbazi M., Karami A., Naqavi M., Nikkhah H., Dehghani Sanij H. 2013. The effect of drought stress at season leate on yield and some physiological characteristics of multi-digit and barley line. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 27 (4):535-549.


60.     Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Current agricultural water and soil resources and productivity in the Iranian highlands: measures and Improvements. Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Ecology. 5 (1): 1-14.


61.     Esfandyari S., Dehghanisanij H. , Alizadeh A., Davary K., 2012. Evaluation of Maize Root Morphology under Fertigation Method with Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil 26 (5): 1064-1071. (In Farsi)


62.     Aazami A., Zarafshani K., Dehghanisanij H. , Gorji A. 2012. Determining Factors Influencing The Attitude of Farmers Toward Sprinkler Systems in Kermanshah Province. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 26 (4): 886-896. (In Farsi)


63.     Soltani A., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Using Limited Weather Data under Different Climatic Conditions. Iranian Journal of Water and Soil. 26 (1): 139-149. (In Farsi)


64.     Kohi Chelekeran N., Dehghanisanij H., Asadi R. 2012. Improvement of water use efficiency of drip irrigated corn in arid region. Iranian journal of Irrigation and drainage. 6 (2): 77-85. (In Farsi)


65.     Heydari N., Dehghani Sanij H. 2012. Investigating and prioritizing socio-economic issues and challenges and policy-making facing the sustainable development of pressurized irrigation methods in Iran. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 6 (3): 175-163.


66.     Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Maize yield and water use efficiency under sprinkle irrigation with different levels of salinity. Iranian journal of Irrigation and drainage. 6 (1): 46-54. (In Farsi)


67.     Aazami A., Zarafshani K., Dehghanisanij H. , A. Gorji. 2011. Determine Farmers’ Satisfaction Towards Pressurized Irrigation Systems in Kermanshah Province. Journal of Water and Soil. 25 (4): 845-853.


68.     Aazami A., Zarafshani K., Dehghanisanij H. , A. Gorji 2011. An Analysis of Educational Needs of Farmers Equipped with Sprinkler Irrigation Systems in Kermanshah Province (Case Study in Songhor Township). Journal of Water and Soil. 25 (5): 1119-1127.


69.     Akbari M., Drooogers, Dehghanisanij H. , 2010. The role of modeling in integrated water management (A case study in Zayanedeh Rud Basin). International Journal of Water Resources and Environments. 1 (6): 469-477.


70.     Nakhjavanimoghadam M.M., Dehghanisanij H. , Akbari M., Sadrghaen H. 2010. The effects of deficit irrigation on water use efficiency of new early maize variety (CN.KSC.302) using sprinkler system. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water. 24 (6): 1245-1236. (In Farsi)


71.     Kosari H., Dehghanisanij H., Liyagat M., 2010. Evapotranspiration partitioning by Bowen ratio energy balance method in sub-surface drip irrigation system. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Engineering Journal. 11 (3):71-85. (In Farsi)


72.     Alizadeh A., Dehghanisanij H., Mousavi M. 2010. The effect of using on farm real time climate data for calculating irrigation requirement on water use efficiency of corn. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 4 (2): 308-318. (In Farsi)


73.     Baghani J., Dehghanisanij H. , Sadrghaiini H. 2010. Effects of plastic mulch and different water irrigation levels on qualitative and quantitative yield of melon under surface and subsurface drip irrigation system. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 4 (2): 175-181. . (In Farsi)


74.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. , Mirlatifi S.M., 2009. Impact of irrigation scheduling on agricultural water productivity. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 3 (1): 69-79. (In Farsi)


75.     Dehghanisanij H. , Nakhjavani M.M. , Akbari M. 2008. Study the water use efficiency based on regional relative advantages and deficit irrigation. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 2 (1): 77-91. (In Farsi)


76.     Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Current agricultural water and soil resources and productivity in the Iranian highlands: measures and Improvements. Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Ecology. 5 (1): 1-14.


77.     Dehghanisanij H. , Inoue M., Akbari M. 2009. Two dimentioanl diurnal dynamices of salt and water in a dune sand under saline-water irrigation . Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Ecology. 2 (1):3-17.


78.     Ahmadaali K., Liaghat A., Dehghanisanij H. , 2009. The Effect of Acidification and Magnetic Field on Emitter Clogging under Saline Water Application Journal of Agricultural Science, 1 (1):132-141.


79.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. , Heydari N., 2008. Estimation of irrigated area, evapotranspiration and irrigation management using Remote Sensing. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 2 (1): 43-54. (In Farsi)


80.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. , Torabi M., 2008. Evaluation of farm salinity using SWAP simulation model. Agricultural Science and Technology Journal. 21 (2): 105-114. (In Farsi)


81.     Sohrab F., Dehghanisanij H. , 2008. Assessment of FAO-56 Penman-Montheith evapotranspiration estimation sensitivity to alternative procedures for estimation of parameters. Agricultural Science and Technology Journal. 21 (2): 129-140. (In Farsi)


82.     Dehghanisanij H. , Keshavarz A., Alizadeh A., 1999. Pattern of water consumption in agriculture. Agriculture Engineering Research Journal. 14: 72-94. (In Farsi)


83.     Dehghani Sanij H., Nakhjavani Moghaddam M. M., Akbari M. 2008. Evaluation of water use efficiency based on relative area benefits and irrigation deficit. Iranian Irrigation and Drainage Magazine. 1 (2): 91-77. (In Farsi)


84.     Dehghanisanij H. , Nakhjavani M.M. Tahiri A.Z., Anyoji H. 2008. Assessment of wheat and maize water productivity and production function for cropping system decisions in arid and semiarid regions. Irrigation and Drainage Journal (ICIDJ). Irrigation and Drainage Journal (ICIDJ). Accepted: 20 December 2007. In press. Early view.


85.     Zeggaf Tahiri A., Takeuchi S., Dehghanisanij H. , Anyoji H., Yano T. 2008. A Bowen ratio to partition energy fluxes between a maize canopy and soil surface. Agronomy Journal. 100 (4): 988-996.


86.     Dehghanisanij H. , Yamamoto T., Inoue M., Akbari M. 2007. Water flow and solute transport under drip irrigation in sand dune field. Journal of Applied Science. 7 (20): 2997-3005.


87.     Ould Ahmed B.A. Yamamoto T., Rasiah V., Dehghanisanij H. , 2007. Evaluation of Sorghum density as affected by two water qualities under drip irrigation system. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 3 (4): 240-245.


88.     Dehghanisanij H. , Anyoji H., Riyahi H., El Hassan W.A. 2007. Effect of emitter characteristics and irrigation schemes on emitter clogging under saline water use. Journal of Arid Land Studies. 16 (4): 225-233.


89.     El Hassan W.A., Kitamura Y., Dehghanisanij H. , 2007. Effect of subsurface drainage and drainage water reuse on irrigation efficiencies and soil salinity for wheat and maize. 16 (4): 199-211.


90.     Dehghanisanij H. , Naseri A., Anyoji H., Eneji A.E. 2007. Effects of deficit irrigation and fertilizer use on vegetative growth of drip irrigated cherry trees. Journal of Plant and Nutrition. 30: 1-15.


91.     Dehghanisanij H ., Oweis T., Qureshi A.S., 2006. Agricultural water use and management in arid and semi-arid areas: Current situation and measures for improvement. Annals of Arid Zone. 45: 355-378.


92.     Dehghanisanij H. , Agassi M., Anyoji H., Eneji A.E., 2006. Improvement of saline water use under drip irrigation system. Agricultural Water Management Journal. 85 (3): 233-242. 


93.     Dehghanisanij H. , Yamamoto T., Ould Ahmed B., Fujiyama H, and Miyamoto K., 2005. The effect of chlorine on emitter clogging induced by biological agents and performance of drip irrigation. Journal of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering (ASAE). 48 (2): 519-527 .


94.     Dehghanisanij H. , Yamamoto T., Rasiah V., 2004. Assessment of evapotranspiration estimation models for use in semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 64: 91-106.


95.     Bouya Ahmed O.A., Yamamoto T., Dehghanisanij H. , Eneji A.E., 2004. Characteristics of meteorological factors in semi-arid lands, the case of Mauritania. Journal of Arid Land Studies. 14 (3): 123-132.

96.     Dehghanisanij H. , Yamamoto T., Rasiah V., Utsunomiya J., Inoue M., 2004. Impact of biological clogging agents on filter and emitter discharge characteristics of microirrigation systems. Irrigation and Drainage Journal, ICIDJ. 53: 363-373.

97.     Dehghanisanij H. , Yamamoto T., Inoue M., 2004. Practical aspect of TDR for simultaneous measurements of water and solute in a dune sand field. Journal of Japanese Society of Soil Physics. 98: 21-30.


98.     Yamamoto T., Dehghanisanij H. , Agassi M., 2004. Rehabilitation techniques for degradation, irrigated soil in arid lands. The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences Journal. 10: 41-50.


99.     Dehghanisanij H. , Taherpour M., Yamamoto T., 2002. Evaluation of factors affecting emitter clogging of microirrigation in Southeast of Iran. Transaction of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering Journal. 217: 1-8.


Conference and Seminars papers (Proceedings)


1.     Dehghanisanij H ., Kanani, E. 2019. Evaluation of Soil Moisture and Salinity Variation in a Pistachio Subsurface Drip Irrigated System Under Different Irrigation Regimes. 9th international micro irrigation conference (9IMIC) 16-18 January, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

2.     Dehghanisanij H ., Taghizadehghasab A. 2019. Feasibility study on UPVC pipe and fitting application in pressurized irrigation system and water supply in agricultural project. 9th international micro irrigation conference (9IMIC) 16-18 January, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

3.     Dehghanisanij H ., mirlatifi M., reza verdinejad V., batoukhteh F., soleymani roozbahani M., ahmadi mamagani Y. 2019. Improving agricultural water productivity through rural community participation and improvement of farmers farmland management (case study: urmia lake basin). 3th world irrigation forum (wif3), 1-7september 2019, bali, Indonesia.

4.     Dehghanisanij H ., Moosavi N., Moosavi Nejad S.B., Taghizadehghasab A., Asadfalsafizadeh N., Soltani H., Abesht A. 2019. Water-Livelihood-Sustainable Agriculture Approach to Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Climate Challenges in Urmia Basin. 3th world irrigation forum (wif3), 1-7september 2019, bali, Indonesia.

5.     Kanani E., Dehghanisanij H ., Akhavani S. 2017. Meteorological Parameters Sensitivity Analysis to Simplify of FAO PenmanMonteith Model Under a Semi-arid Conditions. 23rd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage 8-14 October, Mexico City, Mexico .

6.     Dehghanisanij H., Haji Aga Bozorgi F. 2016. IMPROVEMENT IN SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATED PISTACHIO UNDER SALINE WATER USE. 2nd World Irrigation Forum (WIF2) 6-8 November 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

7.     Kanani E., Dehghanisanij H., Akhavan S. 2016. Effects of Different Irrigation Methods and Mulch on Corn (ZEA MAYZ L ) Evapotranspiration,Yield, Water Use Efficiency in a Semi-arid Climate. 2nd World Irrigation Forum (WIF2) 6-8 November 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

8.     Batoukhteh F., Dehghanisanij H., Misaghi F. 2016. Using SWAT Modrl to Assess the Impact of Increasing Irrigation Efficiency on Basin Efficiency (Case Study: Abharrud River Catchment). 2nd World Irrigation Forum (WIF2) 6-8 November 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

9.     Montaserei M., Nourjou A., Dehghanisanij H., Behmanesh J. 2016. Study of Trefland Management on Grapevine Root Clogging in Subsurface Drip Irrigation. 2nd World Irrigation Forum (WIF2) 6-8 November 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand .

10.  Dehghanisanij H. Sohrab F., Alizadeh A. 2013. Impact of precision irrigation management on sustainability of irrigated agriculture and improvement of water use efficiency. 1st World irrigation Forum and 64th IEC Meeting. 29 May. Turkey.

11.  Dehghanisanij H., Hanieh Kosari, Farahnaz Sohrab 2013. Coping with desertification in Iran through improved water use: lessons and constraints. Eleventh International Dryland Development Conference Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food & Energy Security in the Dryland. 18-21 March. Bajin. China.

12.  Dehghanisanij H., Moayeri M. Oweis T., Akbari M. 2013. The role of on-farm management on sustainable irrigated agriculture in arid and semiarid region - A case study in Karkheh River Basin – Iran. Eleventh International Dryland Development Conference Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food & Energy Security in the Dryland. 18-21 March. Bajin. China.

13.  Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Application of sewages in advance irrigation systems: challenges and strategies. Iranian Academy of Science. 4 Oct. Tehran. Iran.

14.  Dehghanisanij H ., Zarei G. 2012. From clay pot irrigation to subsurface drip irrigation for sustainable agriculture in arid and semiarid region. The international conference on traditional knowledge for water resources management. Febury. Yazd Iran.

15.  Kosari H., Dehghanisanij H ., Mirzaei F., Liaghat M. 2011. Soil evaporation in surface and subsurface drip irrigation in a maize field . The 8th international Micro irrigation Congress. 15-23 oct. Tehran. Iran.

16.  Janani A., Sohrabi T., Dehghanisanij H. 2011. Pressure variation impact on discharge charactristics of porous pipes. The 8th international Micro irrigation Congress. 15-23 oct. Tehran. Iran.

17.  Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. , Sadre Ghaen H., Nakhjavani MM. 2011. Field scale scenarios for improved water and land productivity by simulation modeling. The 8th international Micro irrigation Congress. 15-23 oct. Tehran. Iran.

18.  Dehghanisanij H., Akbari M. Micro irrigation in Iran-current statues and future needs. The 8th international Micro irrigation Congress. 15-23 oct.  

19.  Eslami A., Dehghanisanij H .  2011. Application of brackish water in subsurface drip irrigation system on pistachio orchards. The 8th international Micro irrigation Congress. 15-23 oct. Tehran. Iran.

20.  Heydari N., Dehghanisanij H. 2011. Socio-Economic and policy-institution issues and chalenges in sustainable development of pressurized irrigation systems inIran. The 8th international Micro irrigation Congress. 15-23 oct. Tehran. Iran.

21.  Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. 2010. The role of modeling in integrated water management (A case study in Zayandeh Rud Basin). 4th international conference on water resources and arid environments (ICWRAE). 5-8 December. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

22.  Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. 2010. Impact of irrigation scheduling on water productivity using SWAP and AquaCrop simulation models. Improving farm management strategies through AquaCrop: Worldwide collection of case studies. 8-9 October. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

23.  Keshavarz A., Dehghanisanij H. 2008 . Assessing policies and institutional arrangement in KRB. 2nd Int. Forum on Water and Food . Nov 10-14. Addis Ababa-Ethiopia .

24.  Moayeri M. Dehghanisanij H. , Nato A.F., Siadat H., Oweis T., Farahani H. 2008 . Increasing field water productivity of irrigated crops in the lower KRB. 2nd Int. Forum on Water and Food . Nov 10-14. Addis Ababa-Ethiopia .

25.  Dehghanisanij H. , Keshavarz A. 2008. Study the impact of climate change on agricultural production in Iran. 9th Int. Conf. on Dryland Development. Nov. 7-10. Alexandria, Egypt.

26.  Dehghanisanij H. , Akbari M. 2008. Importance of daily climate information on improvement of crop water productivity in arid and semiarid regions. 9th Int. Conf. on Dryland Development. Nov. 7-10. Alexandria, Egypt.

27.  Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H . 2008. Management of drought and water scarcity in Zayandeh Rud basin, Iran. 9th Int. Conf. on Dryland Development. Nov. 7-10. Alexandria, Egypt.

28.  Moayeri M., Dehghanisanij H. 2007 . Assessment of wheat water productivity and methods of improvement in South Karkheh River Basin . Int. Workshop on Improving WP and livelihood resilience in KRB. Sep 10-11 . Karaj. Iran.

29.  Moayeri M., Dehghanisanij H. 2007 . Assessment of the causes of low water productivity and ways of improvement in irrigated maize areas of South Karkheh River Basin . Int. Workshop on Improving WP and livelihood resilience in KRB. Sep 10-11 . Karaj. Iran.

30.  Dehghanisanij H. , Sadrghaen H., Yamamoto T. 2006. Improvement in safe use of low quality water in drip irrigation systems. International Symposium on Drylands Ecology and Human Security (ISDEHS 2006). 4-7 December. United Arab Emirates.

31.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Naseri A. 2006. Improvement in of drip irrigation management on cherry trees. 7th International Microirrigation Congresses 10-16 September, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.

32.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Moghaddam M. N., Anyoji H. 2006. Crop water productivity a strategy for sustainable development in dry lands. Eighth International Conference on Dryland Development 25-28 February, Beijing, China

33.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Keshavarz A. Heydari N. 2006. Agricultural water consumption management in Iran considering aridity and drought Incidences. Eighth International Conference on Dryland Development 25-28 February, Beijing, China.

34.  Zeggaf T.A., Anyoji H., Yasuda H. Dehghanisanij H. 2006. Estimation of evapotranspiration from maize combining sap flow and weighing lysimeter data. Eighth International Conference on Dryland Development 25-28 February, Beijing, China.

35.  Dehghanisanij H. , Nasseri A., Samar M. 2005. Assessment of cherry trees issues in Moghan agro-industry with respect of soil and water management. International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. 6-9 Dec.

36.  Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. 2005. Assessment of deficit irrigation on sugar beet water productivity. International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. 6-9 Dec.

37.  Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. 2005. Effect of deficit irrigation on sugar beet under furrow irrigation method. The 2nd International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Sustain and Improve Plant Production Under Drought Stress. Sep 24-28. Rome, Italy.

38.  Yamamoto T., Ould Ahmed B.A., Koiwasaki M., Dehghanisanij H. 2005. Prevention biochemical clogging of filters and emitters in microirrigation systems. ASAE Annual meeting, Tampa, Florida, July 17-20.

39.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T., Keshavarz, A., Miyamoto, K., and Fujiyama, H. 2004. Control of emitter clogging in drip irrigation system induced by biological agents. Land and Water Management, Decision Tools and Practices. Proceeding of the 7th Inter Regional Conference of Environment and Water. October 11-14, Beijing. Vol2:1139-1148. China agricultural press.

40.  Sadrghaen S.H. and Dehghanisanij, H. 2004. Water use productivity of pepper under three microirrigation systems. Land and Water Management, Decision Tools and Practices. Proceeding of the 7th Inter Regional Conference of Environment and Water. October 11-14, Beijing. Vol2:1139-1148. China agricultural press.

41.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T., Agassi, M., and Inoue, M. 2004. Interaction of soil water content and soil solute salinity under drip irrigation in dune field. ASAE Annual meeting, Ottawa, Canada, August 1-4.

42.  Ould Ahmeh, B.A., Yamamoto, T., Dehghanisanij, H., Inoue M., and Sakaguchi, Y. 2004. Effects of drip irrigated saline water on the growth of sorghum in a dune sand soil. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, CD. Sep 7-10.

43.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T., and Inoue, M. 2003. Assessing TDR method for simultaneous monitoring of water and solute in dune soil. Proceedings of the Challenge in soil physics, Japanese Society of Soil Physics, November 23, pp.18-19.

44.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T., and Inoue, M. 2003. Assessment of water and solute movement in dune-sand under drip irrigation. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, Okinawa prefecture, Japan, July 8-10, pp.678-679.

45.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T., and Inoue, M. 2003. Control of clogging in microirrigation using wastewater in Tohaku, Japan. ASAE Annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 27-30.

46.  Yamamoto, T. Amu-Mensah, F., Fujimaki, H., and Dehghanisanij, H. 2003. Water saving in Tank irrigation systems in Sahel region of Africa. ASAE Annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, USA, July 27-30.

47.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T., and Farzaneh, E. 2002. Development of modern irrigation system in arid and semi-arid area. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, Mie prefecture, Tsu-shi, Japan, August 6-8, pp.508-509.

48.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Taherpour, M. and Yamamoto, T. 2002. Evaluation of field performance index on microirrigation systems with long operation period in arid and semi-arid area. Proceeding of the Agricultural Engineering Conference (AGENG), Charles Sturt Uni., NSW, Australia.

49.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Yamamoto, T. 2001. An overview of agricultural in Iran- crop and water, Sand Dune Research (V), Natural and Agriculture in Arid Asian Nations, Tottori, Japan, pp.17-21.

50.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Keshavarz, A., and Yamamoto, T. 2001. Estimation of evapotranspiration and improvement of water use pattern in Iran. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering, Iwate prefecture, Morioka, Japan, July 27-30, pp.562-563.

51.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Mirlatifi. M., Torabi, M. 2000. Effect of water quality and irrigation management on emitter clogging in trickle irrigation in southeast of Iran. Proceeding of t he International Conference Micro and Sprinkler Irrigation System, 8-10 Feb , Jalgaon-India , pp:537-545 .

52.  Alizadeh, A., Dehghanisanij, H. , Baghani, J., and Haghania, G.H. 2000. Yield and quality of tomato in drip and furrow systems with different level of water deficits. Proceeding of the 6th International Microirrigation congress, South Africa.

53.  Dehghanisanij, H. , Keshavarz, A., and Alizadeh, A. 1999. Implementation of water use pattern in terms of volumetric supply of water to farmers. Proceeding of the International Conference on Water Resources Management, Use and Policy in Dry Areas. Amman, Jordan. De c . 1-3.  


1.        Hajirarad A., Mir Latifi S.M., Mohammadi S., Dehghanisanij H. 2019. The effect of low irrigation on the leaf area index of forage corn in drip irrigation-strip irrigation. Third National Conference on Coastal Water Resources Management. October. Sari. Iran.

2.        Mohammadi S., Hajirarad A., Mir Latifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H . 2019. Investigating the effect of low irrigation regimes on soil moisture distribution in drip irrigation. Third National Conference on Coastal Water Resources Management. October. Sari. Iran.

3.        Nakhjavani Moghadam M.M., Dehghanisanij H ., Sepehri S. 2018. Evaluation of wheat water productivity in the upstream of Karkhe catchment. 4th Engineering Congress and water and soil management in Iran, 13-14 November, Karaj, Agricultural Campus and Natural Resources of Tehran University, Iran

4.        Dehghanisanij H., Taghizadehghasab A., Kanani E. 2018. drip irrigation technology for irrigation in saline conditions. Second National Water Technology Festival, Unconventional waters (Saline and waste water). 10 and 11 Desember, Mashhad, Iran.

    5.        Zahedpour yeganeh H., Rezaardinejad V., Dehghanisanaeij H . 2017. Strategies to improve efficiency of surface irrigation systems with the WinSRFR4.1 model. Third National Development Congress and promoting agricultural engineering and soil sciences of Iran. 13 September. Tehran. Iran.

    6.        Javadi i., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanaeij H ., Alikhani N. 2016. Estimation of genetic parameters of the CERES-Barley Model in the Farms of the Southern Urmia Basin, a case study of Mianodab Region. Second National  Congress on the Development of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources. 21 April. Golestan, Iran.

    7.        Alikhani N., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanaeij H ., Javadi i. 2016. Calibration of the CERES-Wheat model using the GENCALC tool in the fields of the southern Abirizaromyya basin using field data, a case study: Miandoab area. Second National Congress on the Development of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources. 21 April. Golestan, Iran

    8.        Firoozi A., Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanaeij H ., Tabatabaei S.H. 2016. Calibrating the PR2 moisture meter using the PVC32 tube. The Second National Congress on Irrigation and Drainage. 23-25 August. Esfahan, Iran.

9.        Kanani E., Akhavani S., Dehghanisanij H. 2015. Investigation of Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Corn with Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation Methods. Water Engineering Conference. Shahid Beheshti Conf. 17-18 Oct. Tehran. Iran.

10.     Kanani E., Akhavani S., Dehghanisanij H. 2015. Relationship between leaf area index and plant coefficient for corn fodder production. The first irrigation and drainage congress. 13-14 May. Mashhad. Iran.

      11.     Kanani E., Akhavani S., Dehghanisanij H . 2015. Estimation of Water Requirement and Crop Coefficient of Corn Fodder in Subsurface drip Irrigation System. The first irrigation and drainage congress. 13-14 May. Mashhad.  Iran.

12.     Kanani E., Akhavani S., Dehghanisanij H. 2015. Estimation of the Water Requirement of Corn Fodder Using One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional crop Coefficients and Comparison with Lysymetric Data. The 13th National Conference on Irrigation & Evaporation Reduction. 25-26 Agust. Kerman. Iran.

13.     Dehghanisanij H., Batoukhteh F. 2015. Take a look at the experience of countries including: Indian, Japan, South Korea, United States in intelligent management under pressure irrigation. Special meeting on the development of new irrigation methods. October. Khuzestan. Iran.

14.     Seifi A. , Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H., Torabi M. 2014. Evaluation of correlation between soil moisture content and water stress index of pistachio in silt-loam soil. National Congress on Pistachio Iran. 31 Agust and 1 September. Kerman. Iran.

     15.     Fakhri M., Farzaneh M.R., Dehghanisanij H . 2014. Evaluation of the Framework of Assessing the Climate Change Uncertainty Impact on Agricultural Drought Characteristics. Second National Conference on Agriculture and Natural Resources. 13 Oct. Tehran. Iran.

16.     Seifi A. , Mirlatifi S.M., Dehghanisanij H., Torabi M. 2014. Special level and leaf biomass analysis under the influence of different periods of irrigation of pistachio gardens under drip irrigation system. The second national conference on water management in the field. 19 Oct. Karaj. Iran.

17.     Dehghanisanij H., 2012. Application of sewages in advance irrigation systems: challenges and strategies. Iranian Academy of Science. 4 Oct. Tehran. Iran.

18.     Kuhi N., Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Operation management of subsurface drip irrigation of pistachio orchards in Kerman. Proceeding of the 4th National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Pressurized Irrigation Methods. P13-24. 8 Oct. AERI. Karaj. Iran.

19.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Impact of operation management of filtration systems on sustainable development of advance irrigation systems. Proceeding of the 4th National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Pressurized Irrigation Methods. P13-24. 8 Oct. AERI. Karaj. Iran.

20.     Khazaei E., Dehghanisanij H. Abbasi A., Zakerinia M., Hesam M. 2012. Impact of precision irrigation on operation management and water use efficiency. Proceeding of the 4th National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Pressurized Irrigation Methods. P13-24. 8 Oct. AERI. Karaj. Iran.

21.     Dastparchin B., Dehghanisanij H., Ghahreman N., Liaghat A. 2012. Estimation of strawberry water requirement under  greenhouse. First National Workshop on Strawberry. 30-31 May. Kurdestan. Iran.

22.     Dastparchin B., Ghahreman N., Dehghanisanij H., Liaghat A. 2012. Application of class A pan, small pan, and Atmometer for strawberry irrigation management in greenhouse. Second  National Congress on Hydroponic and Greenhouse Production. 4-5 Sep. Mahalat. Iran.

23.     Khazaei E., Zakerinia M., Dehghanisanij H. Hezarjaribi A., Hesam M. 2012. On-time and long time weather information impact on crop water requirement estimation. Third National Workshop on Water Resource Management. 10-11 Sep. Sari. Iran. (In Farsi)

24.     Khazaei E., Zakerinia M., Dehghanisanij H. Hezarjaribi A., Hesam M. 2012. Evaluation of on-farm application of center-pivot irrigation system in Loeen plain and measures for improvement of water productivity. Third National Workshop on Water Resource Management. 10-11 Sep. Sari. Iran. (In Farsi)

25.     Khazaei E., Zakerinia M., Dehghanisanij H. 2012. Application of precision irrigation management and its impact on quality and quantity of maize yield.  29-30 May. Karaj. Iran.

26.     Nakhjavani M.M., Dehghanisanij H., Sadrghaen S.H. , Akbari M. 2011. Impact of saline water use on sprinkler irrigated corn. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Irrigation and Drainage Network management. 28 Feb- 2 March. Ahvaz. Iran. (In Farsi)

27.     Azami A. , Zarafshani k. Dehghanisanij H. 2011. Study of factors on acceptance of advance irrigation systems in west part of Iran. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

28.     Abbasi E. , Dehghanisanij H. Gorji A. 2011. Using on-time farm weather information in water requirement estimation and its impact on water use efficiency. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

29.     Esfandyari S. , Dehghanisanij H. Alizadeh A., Davari K. 2011. Impact of irrigation system and fertigation on maiz root development. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

30.     Heydari N. , Dehghanisanij H. 2011. Main Issues and measures on management and operation institutional of advance irrigation systems development. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

31.     Sadrghaen S.H. , Dehghanisanij H. Nakhjavani M.M. 2011. Evaluation of pressurized irrigation system operation issue and measure for improvement. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

32.     Janani A. , Sohrabi T., Dehghanisanij H. 2011. Study of porous pipe for subsurface drip irrigation. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

33.     Ashrafi S., Dehghanisanij H. Nakhjavani M.M. 2011. Issues and measures to improve infrastructure of advance irrigation systems development. Proceeding of the Third National Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 15 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

34.     Dehghanisanij H., Gorji A., 2010. Application of UPVC pipes in agriculture and advance irrigation system: Chalenges and strategies. First Technical Seminar on UPVC Pipes and Connections. 12 Oct Tehran. Iran

35.     Keshavarz A., Dehghanisanij H. 2010. Agricultural water productivity an indicator for sustainable Agriculture. 10th Agricultural Congress. July 24-26.  Tehran. Iran. 

36.     Dastparchin B., Ghahreman N., Dehghanisanij H., Liaghat A. 2010. Estimation of strawberry water requirement and small pan coefficient in greenhouse under hydroponic condition. 4th Regional Workshop on Agricultural Research Outputs. 11-12 May. Kurdestan Univ. Kurdestan Iran.

37.     Dehghanisanij H. 2010. Assessment of polyethylene pipe issues in pressurized irrigation systems in Iran. International Workshop on Plastic Pipes. 28 Feb. Polymer Univ. Tehran Iran.

38.     Keshavarz A., Dehghanisanij H. 2010. Policy and institutional reform in water sector the art of the possible. 12th Seminar of Iranian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. Feb. 24-25. Tehran. Iran. (In Farsi)

39.     Akbari M., Zarei G. Dehghanisanij, H. 2010. Estimation of wheat evapotranspiration under different quality and quantity of water. 10th National Seminar on Irrigation and Evapotranspiration. 7-9 Feb. Sahid Bahonar Univ. Kerman. Iran. (In Farsi)

40.     Kosari H. Dehghanisanij, H. Mirzaei F., Liaghat M. 2010. Overview on partitioning evapotranspiration. 10th National Seminar on Irrigation and Evapotranspiration. 7-9 Feb. Sahid Bahonar Univ. Kerman. Iran. (In Farsi)

41.     Dehghanisanij H., Keshavarz A., 2010. Study on National Water Documents: Modification and Application. Workshop on Quantity and Quality of National Water Resources. Feb 3. Academy of Science, Tehran. Iran. 

42.     Dehghanisanij H. 2010. Deficit irrigation and agricultural water productivity. 27-28 Jan. Birjand Univ. Birjand. Iran.

43.     Kosari H. Dehghanisanij, H. Mirzaei F., Liaghat M. 2010. Assessment of soil evaporation under surface and subsurface drip irrigation using Bowen-ratio energy balance. Deficit irrigation and agricultural water productivity. 27-28 Jan. Birjand Univ. Birjand. Iran.

44.     Mamanpoush A., Dehghanisanij H. 2009. Application of GIS technique in classification of agricultural area for development of advance irrigation systems and its impact on ground water. Proceeding of the second Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 19 Nov. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

45.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H. 2010. Remote Sensing in irrigation network management. Proceeding of the National Workshop on Management of Irrigation and Drainage Networks. Jan. 28-30. Ahvaz. Iran. (In Farsi)

46.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij, H., Mirlatifi S.M. 2008. Impact of modified irrigation scheduling on agricultural water productivity. Proceeding of 3rd Iran Water Resources management Conference. 14-16 October. Esfahan. Iran. (In Farsi)

47.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij, H. 2008. The role of research on improvement and development of microirrigation methods in Iran. Proceeding of the Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 21 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

48.     Dehghanisanij H. 2008. Introducing of Nation Strategic Plan for sustainable development of pressurized irrigation systems in Iran. Proceeding of the Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 21 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

49.     Nakhjavani M.M. , Dehghanisanij H. , Heydari N. 2008. Impact of deficit irrigation in drip irrigation on water productivity improvement of row crops.  Proceeding of the Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 21 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

50.     Ahmedzadeh k. Mirlatifi M. Dehghanisanij, H. 2008. Technical and hydraulically evaluation of drip irrigation system- a case study. Proceeding of the Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 21 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

51.     Nakhjavani M.M. , Sadrghaen S.H. , Dehghanisanij, H. 2008. The role of microirrigation systems on water productivity improvement of row crops. Proceeding of the Workshop on Pressurized Irrigation and Sustainable Development in Iran. 21 Feb. Karaj. Iran. (In Farsi)

52.     Dehghanisanij, H. 2008. Comparision of two energy balance models for partitioning energy fluxes at farm level. Proceeding of 9th National Seminar on Irrigation and Evapotranspiration. 5-7 Feb. Kerman. Iran. (In Farsi)

53.     Sohrab F., Dehghanisanij H. , 2008. Study the FAO-Penman-Montheith model sensitivity to the alternative procedures for estimation of parameters. Proceeding of 9th National Seminar on Irrigation and Evapotranspiration. 5-7 Feb. Kerman. Iran. (In Farsi)

54.     Dehghanisanij H. , Heydari N. Akbari M. 2008. How Research outputs could impact on agriculatural water use improvement policies. Proceeding of the first Conference on Copping with Water Scarsity. 22-25 January. Tehran. Iran. (in Farsi)

55.     Dehghanisanij H. , Nakhjavani M.M. , Sohrab F. 2008. Deficit irrigationa and improvement in agricultural water producitivy. Proceeding of the first Conference on Copping with Water Scarsity. 22-25 January. Tehran. Iran. (in Farsi)

56.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij H . 2008. Impact of water quality and quantitiy changes on agricutural water producutvity. Proceeding of the first Conference on Copping with Water Scarsity. 22-25 January. Tehran. Iran. (in Farsi)

57.     Heydari N., Dehghanisanij H. , Hosseinzadeh A. 2008. An overview of activities and actions on water saving and coping wait water scarsity in the world. Proceeding of the first Conference on Copping with Water Scarsity. 22-25 January. Tehran. Iran. (in Farsi)

58.     Dehghanisanij H. , Zarei G., Hydari N. 2007. Assessment of irrigation management and greenhouse water productivity. First Workshop on Improvement of Water Use Efficiency in Greenhouse. ICID Workshop. Karaj, Iran, 2007. (in Farsi)

59.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij, H. 2007. Design, programming, and operation microirrigation systems in greenhouse. First Workshop on Improvement of Water Use Efficiency in Greenhouse. ICID Workshop. Karaj, Iran, 2007.

60.     Dehghanisanij, H. , Akbari M. 2007. Automation and TDR probes in drip irrigation systems. First Workshop on Automation of Pressurized Irrigation Systems. ICID Workshop. Karaj, Iran, 2007.

61.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij, H. 2007. Role of automation in improvement and development of microirrigation systems in IRAN. First Workshop on Automation of Pressurized Irrigation Systems. ICID Workshop. Karaj, Iran, 2007.

62.     Dehghanisanij, H. , Nakhjavani M.M. 2007. Application of water productivity index and yield function in cropping pattern system. Second National Conference of Water Resource Management. Esfahan, Iran.

63.     Dehghanisanij, H. , 2 006. Salt accumulation in soil under drip irrigated with saline water. Workshop of Soil and Water Resources Pollution. Aboreihan Agricultural University. Varamin, Iran.

64.     Dehghanisanij, H. , Akbari M. 2006. Influences of irrigation management on efficiency of drip irrigation systems in Iran. Second Workshop on Microirrigation. Karaj, Iran.

65.     Heydari N., Keshavarz A., Dehghanisanij, H. 2005. Optimum agricultural water consumption considering drought. 2nd Nation Conference on Prevention of National Resources Lost. Academic of Science. Tehran. Iran. P. 103-116.

66.     Akbari M., Dehghanisanij, H. 2005. Necessity of development of Sprinkle irrigation i\systems in Iran considering quality and quantity. First Technical Workshop on Sprinkler Irrigation: Potential and Challenges. 13 Feb. AERI. Karaj. Iran.

67.     Dehghanisanij, H. 1999 . Microirrigation of row crops and vegetables. Technical Workshop on Micro Irrigation. 29 June. IRNCID,Tehran. Iran.

68.     Dehghanisanij, H. , Keshavarz, A., and Alizadeh, A., 1999. Implementation of water use pattern in terms of volumetric supply of water to farmers. Proceeding of the International Conference on Water Resources Management, Use and Policy in Dry Areas. Amman, Jordan. De c . 1-3.

69.     Dehghanisanij, H. , and Rahimzadehghan, R., 1997. Evaluation of pressurized irrigation systems manufactured in Iran. First Seminar on The Role of Industry in Agricultural development. Esfahan-Iran, pp : 221-232 (in Farsi).

70.     Dehghanisanij, H. , and Rahimzadehghan, R., 1997. Assessment of w ater application uniformity in sprinkler irrigation system under different design management . Proceeding of the Second International Congress on Soil & Water issues. Tehran, Iran. Vol. I, pp: 160-184 (in Farsi).

71.    Dehghanisanij, H. , and Rahimzadehghan, R., 1997. Evaluate and calibrate the MZ-30 sprinkler making the country. The Second National Congress on soil and water issues. 15-18 February.