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Nikrooz Bagheri Name
Associate Professor Title
Scientific Board Member Division
Precision Ag, Remote Sensing, UAV, Spectral Imagi Expert knowledge
Agricultural Engineering Research Institute Address Email
+98-26-36150000 Telephone
+98-26-32706277 Facsimile
Ph.D in Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery. 2011

  • Precision Agriculture
  Remote Sensing (Multispectral and Hyperspectral imaging)
Design and Construction of Variable rate systems, automatic control systems
  • Intelligent Agriculture
  • Internet of Things (IOT)
  • Futures Studies

  •  Development of Precision Agriculture in Iran
  • Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for agricultural Research
  • Early detection of Fire Blight disease by spectrometry and multispectral aerial imaging by the UAV
  • Determination of optimum N fertilizer amount by multispectral aerial imaging by the UAV
  • Design and construction of Anti-frost intelligent system


  • Bagheri, N. 2020. Application of aerial remote sensing technology for detection of fire blight infected pear trees . Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 168.

  •  Bagheri, N. Mohamadi-Monavar, H. 2019. ­­ Early detection of Fire Blight disease of pome fruit trees using Visible-NIR spectrometry and dimensionality reduction methods . Agricultural Machinery. 10(1). 37-48.

  • Bagheri, N. Mohamadi-Monavar, H. Azizi, A. Ghasemi, A. 2018. Detection of Fire Blight disease in pear trees by hyperspectral data . European Journal of Remote Sensing 51(1): 1-10.
  • Bagheri, N. 2016 . Development of a high-resolution aerial remote sensing system for precision agriculture . International Journal of Remote Sensing: 38 (8-10): 2053-2065.
  • Bagheri, N. Tarabi, N. Javadikia, H. 2015. Development and evaluation of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface models to predict performance of a solar dryer . CIGR Journal: 17(2): 112-121.
  • Bagheri, N . Eyvani, A. Tarabi, N. 2014. Performance evaluation of a variable rate application (VRA) system by artificial neural network (ANN) models , Agric Eng Int 16 (4): 105-111.
  • Bagheri, N . and Bordbar. M. 2014. Factor analysis of agricultural mechanization challenges in Iran . Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 16(1): 167 - 172.
  • Bagheri, N . and Bordbar. M. 2014. Solutions for fast development of precision agriculture in Iran . Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 16(3): 119-123.
  • Bagheri, N . Ahmadi, H. Alavipanah, S.K. Omid . 2013. Multispectral remote sensing for site-specific nitrogen fertilizer management . Brazilian Journal of Agricultural research 48(10): 1394-1401.
  • Bagheri, N . Ahmadi, H. Alavipanah, S.K. Omid, M. 2012. Soil-line vegetation indices for corn nitrogen content prediction . International Agrophysics, 26 (2): 103-108.
  • Bagheri, N . Mohtasebi, S.S. Keyhani, A. Javadikia, P. Abbaszadeh, R. 2012. Simulation and control of fan speed in a solar dryer for optimization of energy efficiency . Agricultural Engineering International 14 (1): 57-62.
  • Bagheri, N . Keyhani, A. Mohtasebi, S.S. Alimardani, R. Rafiee, S. Mansoori, G.H. 2011. Design, construction and evaluation of fan speed controller to optimize the overall energy efficiency in a forced convection solar dryer . Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST) 13 (4): 503-515.
  • Bagheri, N . Moazzen, S.A. 2009. Determination the most important challenges for agricultural mechanization development in Iran. CIGR Journal 12: 87-91.
  • Bagheri, N . Moazzen, S.A.A. 2009. Optimum strategy for agricultural mechanization development in Iran . International Journal of Agricultural Technology 5(2): 225-237.
    • Bagheri, N . Moazzen. S.A.A. 2012. Guidelines for Development of Precision Agriculture in Iran . 11 th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Indiana, USA.
    • Bagheri, N . Ahmadi, H. Alavipanah, S.K. Omid, M. 2011. Monitoring corn nitrogen variability by remote sensing data . 8 th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Prague. Czech.
    • Bagheri, N . Ahmadi, H. Alavipanah, S.K. Omid, M. 2011. U sing multispectral remote sensing for determination of nitrogen fertilizer map . First Int. Conference on Innovative Computing Technology . Tehran. Iran.
    • Bagheri, N . 2011. Design and development of variable rate liquid nitrogen fertilizer applicator based on satellite imagery . Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    • Bagheri, N . Ahmadi, H. Alavipanah, S.K. Omid, M. 2010.  Predicting Nitrogen accumulation in corn canopy by remote sensing . The 6 th Int. Conference on Remote Sensing. Iwate. Japan.
    • Bagheri, N . Labbafi, R. Ahmadi, H. Alavipanah, S.K. Omid, M. 2010. Fuzzy modeling for corn nitrogen monitoring based on remote sensing . 4 th Int Conference of Fuzzy Information & Engineering. Amol. Iran.
    • Bagheri, N . Moazzen, S.A.A. 2009. Optimum strategy for agricultural mechanization development in Iran . International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Engineering. Sofia. Bulgaria.