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Discussion meeting on concept and definition of Water Productivity and Water Consumption in Agriculture Sector of Iran
This meeting aimed to better understand water productivity in agriculture, its measurement methods, discuss water consumption in agriculture, water accounting, determination of the actual amount of water consumed in the agricultural sector issues, and methods of measuring and determining its various components (evapotranspiration, productive and non-productive losses, etc.).

The Discussion was held on Sep. 30, 2020 at headquarters of Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI) and in the presence of different participants including representatives of faculty members and soil and water experts from the Deputy Minister of Water and Soil of the Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture, Tehran University, Tarbiat Modarres University, Imam Khomeini International University, Soil and Water Research Institute, and the AERI Institute.
One of the major outputs  and decisions of the meeting was to use the term "Applied Water" instead of "Consumed Water" when only water delivered to the field is measured in the research projects.

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