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An academic staff of AERI institute delivered two presentations in the Indo-Iran virtual workshop
Dr. Nader Heydari, associate professor of Iranian Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI) presented two following paper topics in the Indian-Iranian collaborative workshop on Water Resources Management: 1. Challenging Issues on Agriculture Water in Iran (Presented at the Opening session, Oct. 27, 2020) 2. Supreme Water Council: A capacity for better water governance in Iran? (Presented at Governance, Management and Institutional Arrangements theme session, Oct. 29, 2020)

The workshop was organized jointly by the Department of Water Science and Engineering of “Iran’s Ferdosi University of Mashhad” & Department of Civil Engineering of “India’s Jamia Millia Isalmia, New Delhi” during Oct. 27-29, 2020.

The workshop papers were presented in the following specialized themes:

Groundwater Management,  
Rainwater Harvesting,
Governance, Management and Institutional Arrangements.



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