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An International Webinar on Health and Probiotics was Held
International webinar entitled "The twists and turns of probiotics in health", was held in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI) on Sep. 5, 2021. The presenter was Dr. Hamid Ghoddusi, an academic member of health science department at London Metropolitan University.

In order to strengthen international scientific relations and benefit from the knowledge and experience of Iranian professors
living abroad in the field of food science and technology for joint international research collaborations, webinar entitle "The
twists and turns of probiotics in health " by Dr. Hamid Ghoddusi, an academic member of health science department at London
Metropolitan University, where he is the director of postgraduate programs for food science and leads the Microbiology Research Unit (MRU), was held in AERI on Sep. 5, 2021.
In this webinar, which was attended by more than 50 faculty members with a focus on food science and technology from the
headquarters and AERI provincial divisions based in different agricultural research centers of the country, as well as researchers
from other research institutes (inside and outside the country), various topicss in introducing probiotics and related challenges
was presented.  
At the end of presentation, questions and answers on the subject as well as ways for future collaboration were discussed.

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